Tag: winter

8 Things that Could Spell Disaster for Your Home This Winter

8 Things that Could Spell Disaster for Your Home This Winter

Winter is the season of cosy fires, hot chocolate… and, if you’re not careful, a series of home disasters that could make even the worst episode of Changing Rooms (smashed teapots anyone) seem like a walk in the park on a warm summer’s day. Sound 

How can a blanket help Syrian children?

How can a blanket help Syrian children?

This winter, Unicef are providing clothes and essential supplies for over 2.5 million children in Syria and Iraq as well as those who’ve taken refuge in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.

New season = new clothes (for my boy!)

New season = new clothes (for my boy!)

Now that the school holidays are well and truly over, I’ve started to think about the cosy Autumn days ahead…!