It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas; you can tell by my bank balance!

We try not to spend a lot of money over the Christmas period – I have quite a strict budget that I try to stick to as much as possible. I’d love to be able to buy fancy gifts for people, but being self employed means that I have to be frugal where I can be! And I love a bargain anyway (who doesn’t??)
But that doesn’t stop me getting excited about Christmas and buying presents for people though. I decided to head over to B&M Stores determined to cross a few presents off of my list!
B&M is a bit of a treasure trove, really… shelves upon shelves of well-priced goodies for all the family. We love stockings in our house, and this is definitely the place to get them filled up!
We currently have a Minions obsessed toddler, so the bathtime fun set was a must! And the inflatable baby roller was just £2.99 and will definitely help my 8 month old start to crawl; he’ll be mesmerised i’m sure!
I love the Elf Surveillance plaque… we don’t do Elf on the Shelf, so this is an easier option! Haha.
Stocking fillers for my toddler included Freddo Faces, bathrime fun crayons and a B&M truck! He has a Sainsbury’s one, so this will go with that nicely.
And we didn’t have a plate to leave Father Christmas and Rudolf their treats! So we picked a nice and sturdy one up for just £1.
And that’s the boys DONE for Christmas! Phew…!
The Meercat stress ball is for my husband. I don’t know why, but he thinks that having 2 children under 3 is stressful… 😉
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*this is a collaborative post with B&M Stores*