A Full House Can Still Be A Fabulous Maison

Everything sounds a little more sophisticated and stylish in French, doesn’t it? When you think of a maison, you probably imagine a beautifully designed home with high ceilings and gorgeous style choices. When you think of a family house, you know what to expect. Toys are probably scattered over the floor, there’s marks on the carpet from spills, and it probably looks cluttered and crowded to boot. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and we are ready to show you how a house full of kids can still be styled to stun. Let’s look at a few of the options.
Ace Storage Options
One of the biggest problems with the family home that makes it look completely unstylish is the level of possessions scattered around it. If you have older kids, there are probably games, films and tech devices all over the floor. If you have younger children than there’s no doubt a wide collection of toys in virtually every room. We’d like to believe that toys stay in the bedroom or the play area, but that doesn’t work in practice does it?
To deal with this issue, you need to think about using some simple storage solutions that are completely affordable and better yet, fit into the design of any property. In fact, you can buy material boxes that can be used to store toys, DVDs and other items. They’ll fit neatly into any room and keep your clutter under complete control.
Of course, your home can look cluttered due to larger items as well. For instance, you might have too many pieces of furniture in a number of rooms in your home. You may not want to get rid of these, but right now, they’re just making your home look a mess and cramped. Personal self storage services are your golden ticket. You’ll be able to store your furniture away out of sight and more importantly out of your home.
Easy To Maintain Flooring
Do you constantly find that a new spill appears on your carpets, as if by magic? If so, then you might want to think about getting rid of your carpets for good and choosing a flooring option that is far more parent-friendly. One possibility that you could consider would be laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is great because it is completely affordable, easy to lay down and more importantly, easy to clean. You’ll find that you can simply wipe up spills and you will never have to worry about the issue of stains. How great is that?
Fold Away Furniture
One of the key aspects of a stylish home is space. You need to make sure that your home has a lot of space and the best way to do this is to invest in some fold away furniture. These space-saving beauties come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. If you look on the market, you;’re sure to be able to find some for your home. The best part? They tend to have very stylish designs. We hope you see now that a home doesn’t have to be stylish just because it’s full of kids and if you don’t believe that, just check out this post.