How to choose eye protection for travel

The importance of the sun in the evolution and maintenance of life on Earth is crucial. With the fundamental process of photosynthesis, it offers the necessary energy for the development of living organisms, maintains the surface temperature of the Earth at tolerable levels for life and of course, offers us the Light, this invaluable gift, which with the help of our eyes, contributes to “miracle” of vision.
But as necessary and beneficial as the sun is in our lives, it can become just as dangerous and harmful, especially during our travels where our exposure is even greater. Its radiation, especially the invisible ultraviolet (UVA, UVB), can cause many serious damages, especially in the body’s sensitive areas such as the skin and the eyes. In fact, these risks have increased significantly in recent decades due to the depletion of ozone in the stratosphere (ozone hole).
As for our eyes and the surrounding sensitive area, excessive and unprotected exposure to sunlight can cause damage to the skin of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, lens and retina.
Which people are most at risk?
1. People with light-coloured eyes because they have less pigment in their iris and therefore less protection of the seabed from radiation.
2. People who have had cataract surgery and have had their natural lens removed, which is a natural filter for all types of radiation, although modern artificial intraocular lenses, which replace the cataract lens, also provide some protection against radiation.
3. People with macular degeneration.
4. Sensitive population groups, such as children and the elderly. In fact, older people are even more sensitive because their eye lenses have lost some particular substances necessary to protect against radiation.
Every good pair of sunglasses should
-To have truly permeable lenses (99-100%) for ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) and in older people and for blue light, regardless of whether the lenses are crystalline, organic (light), or polycarbonate (lighter and more durable). The absorbency of a lens does not depend on its colour but on its construction material and can only be determined with the help of special machines available in optical stores.
-The lenses should be made of clean and homogeneous material so as not to cause unwanted visual effects such as reflections, reflections, deflections, distortions, etc.
-The material of the lenses remains unchanged in the various conditions, and the lenses weaken evenly in all areas of the spectrum so as not to change the colour of the objects.
-Finally, they should not be too dark, so as not to significantly limit the visible range, to be able to use them on days of moderate sunshine, but also not to cause dilation in the pupils, which allows entry into the eye of more harmful radiation.
-Children should also learn to use sunglasses from an early age, whether they are just sunglasses or sunglasses. They should be fully absorbent, lightweight (to be easier to accept) and unbreakable for safety (plastic-organic).
Of course, buying the right UV protection goggles should be done before your trip. To make the right purchase that will meet your individual needs, you should visit a reputable scientist and professional, such as Aris Konstantopoulos of, who will guide you in choosing the best sunglasses to protect you at all times in your travels.