Week 16 – midwife appointment

I had the first of many routine midwife appointments today at my GP surgery. Lots of questions about how I’m feeling. I told her that I’ve been having problems with my back for the last couple of weeks (I was actually signed off work for 10 days with it, as I could hardly move; and when I did, it was so very painful). Maybe I’ll do another post on the back pain I’ve experienced. The midwife was a bit shocked when I said I was taking co codamol to manage the pain, but when I told her the dosage (15/500) she was a bit more relieved. So this confused me a bit because I have had 2 doctors telling me that it’s perfectly fine to take co codamol when pregnant. So I’ve reduced the amount that I’ve been taking, just in case.
So midwife then asks me to pop on the bed so she can have a listen out for babies heartbeat. Baby B is certainly a wriggler! He/She kept moving around, avoiding the little machine for the hearbeat. Midwife commented that Baby B was moving around like Sonic the Hedgehog! She also says that Baby B will be a kicker. Joy!! Feeling a little sad that Mr B didn’t hear the heartbeat for the first time with me. It’s odd thinking that there is something with a little heartbeat growing inside me!!
When I got home – very happy that everything appeared to be fine – I laid down on the sofa with my hands on my belly. I’m sure at that point I started to feel larger flutters than I had done before. It’s not quite a kick yet, but it’s a more of a gentle movement. It’s lovely. I’m looking forward to the day when Mr B can feel it too.