What to Expect When You’re Expecting | Book Review

What to Expect When You’re Expecting
I bought this book pretty much as soon as I found out that I was pregnant, as I had heard great things about it. I was not disappointed! It is a BIG book, so not ideal to take out and about with you (especially in the later stages of pregnancy, when carrying anything at all can be knackering!), but I got into a routine of reading a couple of chapters in bed, and then applying my stretch mark cream to my bump, and then trying to sleep! It takes you through the pregnancy week-by-week and month-by-month, so you know what your body is up to. Yes, there are plenty of apps out there that tell you that “this week, your baby is the size of a coconut” but it’s reassuring to see it written down in print too, in a more “professional” way. It’s an incredibly detailed book, but the way that it’s laid out is that you can dip in and out of it, and just pick up on the pieces that you may have a specific question about (if you’d like to find out more about epidurals, for example, you just find “epidurals” in the index in the back, and you can easily find the section that’s relevant to you).
It’s been a great guide for me throughout my pregnancy, and I think it will be a great comfort to me throughout the postpartum period too.
I’ve been given a copy of What to Expect the 1st Year too, so i’m looking forward to digging into that too!