Hello Baby Sussex!

Hello Baby Sussex!

A huge congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the birth of their first baby! And good on them for wanting to take some private time together as a family before appearing in public as a three. Standing on some steps in front of the worlds press a few short hours after giving birth seems a bit archaic to me (I would NOT have been up for that so soon after giving birth, let me tell you that! Haha!)

Did you know that you can send a letter of congratulations to the happy couple on their new bundle of joy?

TRH Duke & Duchess of Sussex
Clarence House
London, SW1A 1BA

Make sure you include a return address because, you never know, Harry and Meghan might just write back to you! They sent thank you cards to people who wrote to them congratulating them on their wedding. So there’s a good chance you’ll get something back.

Be prepared to wait a little while though… they might be a bit busy over the coming weeks!

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A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews) on May 8, 2019 at 4:40am PDT

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