Six ways to secure your car at night

Even though modern cars are built with ever-better security functions, recent reports indicate that car thefts are at a seven-year high. For the most part, the most dangerous time for thefts to occur is at nighttime, when thieves can operate in sleeping neighbourhoods under the cover of darkness. Liberty Insurance have got six simple steps you can take to make your car more secure at night.
Don’t Forget to Lock Your Car
Pretty basic, right? But it’s an easy mistake to make, particularly when carrying bags of shopping, shepherding small children, or dashing to the front door to escape the rain. Try to make checking that your car’s locked part of your routine, whether it’s trying the handle before going inside or pressing the fob again from your window before going to bed. Just make sure you hit the right button!
Park in a Secure, Well-Lit Area
Everyone’s parking situation is different, but one of the best lines of defence against vehicle crime is the humble streetlamp or motion-detecting light. By illuminating the car to passers-by (or police) you make it much less attractive for someone to damage or steal. has reported a steep rise in the theft of catalytic converters, particularly in cars with high clearance such as SUVs. If you drive one of these vehicles, consider parking it behind locked gates, in a garage, or squeezed into a tight space, which limits thieves’ access to the chassis.
File Away Your Paperwork
It can be tempting to keep all your car-related paperwork together in the glovebox of your car. However, if your car is stolen together with its Vehicle Licence / Registration certificate (commonly known as the ‘logbook’), the thief will have a far easier time selling your vehicle. It could be disposed of as little as an hour later and possibly even dispatched to a different country. It’s much safer to keep your logbook and insurance policy paperwork safely in your home so you can easily access both in case of emergency.
Keep Valuables Out of Sight
A recent report in the Irish Examiner highlighted a 328% increase in reported cases of interfering with a vehicle with intent to steal an item or a vehicle in the first five months of 2022, compared to the same period last year. One way of tackling this is to make your vehicle unattractive to thieves. This means hiding anything of value, whether that’s an electronic device, a handbag or toolbox, or loose change in the console.
Invest in a Steering Wheel Lock
Chunky metal steering wheel locks are not the most high tech of solutions, but they are very effective, even as a visual deterrent. While determined thieves with enough time on their hands could still disable the mechanism, most wouldn’t bother, given the effort required. Automotive shops have a variety of options for sale – speak to the salespeople to learn about the best option for you, your car, and your driving lifestyle.
Protect Your Keyfob
‘Keyless theft’ is an increasingly common problem, as more and more keyless entry cars come onto the market. The technology is great for owners, who can open, close, and even start their cars remotely using a fob. Unfortunately, it’s also a boon to enterprising thieves, who use relay devices to trick the car into thinking the fob is nearby, while in fact it’s safely inside the owner’s house. They can then steal and drive away the car without so much as a cracked window or broken lock. There are a number of ways to help safeguard against this crime, including signal blocking boxes and Faraday pouches, available from most good automotive retailers.
Liberty Insurance has been in business for almost a century, and have seen a lot of developments over that time. That’s why we offer custom-built car insurance in Ireland with policies that include exceptional protection, and helpful advice when you need it most.
This article has been written and provided by Liberty Insurance. #ad