Tearful Goodbyes: Preparing For Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty nest syndrome is something all parents will experience in their lives. It is the moment when the children leave home and all of a sudden the house is quiet. While some parents look forward to this moment, there are others who struggle and deal with immense feelings of loss, even if the kids have only moved around the corner.
Empty nest syndrome is something all parents will experience in their lives. It is the moment when the children leave home and all of a sudden the house is quiet. While some parents look forward to this moment, there are others who struggle and deal with immense feelings of loss, even if the kids have only moved around the corner.
You may be worried about the inevitable departure of your children, and wondering how you are going to cope, or it is something you are going through now, and you don’t know what to do with your life now they have gone. Whatever the case, you need to look after yourself. So put away those handkerchiefs for just a moment, take a deep breath, and read on for some advice to help you in whatever your situation.
Prepare for the inevitable
Your kids will be looking forward to leaving home, but you shouldn’t take it personally. Their lives are moving on, and that is the natural cycle of life. In the days, weeks, or even years leading up the event, do your best for your children. Teach them the essentials of life, such as cooking, washing their clothes and managing their finances. When the time does come for them to leave, at least you will have the peace of mind knowing you have given them a good start in life.
Before they leave, remind them you love them. They will experience feelings of sadness as well as joy, so knowing they still have your love and support will mean a lot to them. As ever, you need to sacrifice your emotions, but you will feel better knowing you are parting company in positive ways.
Care for others
Your children may have left home but remember other kids haven’t been as fortunate as them. Fill the gap your children left and consider helping others. Fostering is one option, but you should be prepared for a challenge. Often, children from broken homes have problems with behavior and a mistrust of adults. Progress Care Fostering is one avenue you could take, but there are a number of companies out there.
You may not want that commitment, but there are still other ways you can care for kids, such as volunteering with local schools or even babysitting for neighbors. You still have a heart to care, so why not let it shine in the lives of others.
Move on with your life
Your life may have changed, but it’s not over. Find new ways to fill your time, such as going back to work or taking a local college course. Perhaps you are long overdue a holiday, and you now have fewer people holding you back from going away. When you have the time to do something new, take the opportunity.
It is also the time to reconnect with your partner, as well as other friends and family members you may have neglected over the years due to a busy lifestyle.
Don’t dwell on what you are missing but enjoy your life as you gain new experiences.