What you don’t realise about kids (until you have kids)
There are many things that you don’t realise about having kids before you actually have kids. Here are 5 of them!
You may have a fantastic sleeper, and feel blessed and happy (and – dare I say it – a little smug). And then the sleep regression kicks in. Then after a few weeks, they sleep again. Then the sleep regression COMES BACK! And it keeps coming back until they are 2! It is hard going!
THE GUILTI didn’t expect to feel guilty as much as I do. I feel guilty when I do the pre-school drop off, or if I haven’t played with them enough, or do enough craft with them. I feel guilty that I don’t take them swimming! Every decision you make comes with a side portion of guilt. Nice.
It’s constant. There’s no point in tidying away during the day, because it’s just going to get messy again. So I just have one big clean up whilst my other half does bath time.
You sort of realise that having an extra mouth to feed is going to increase your bills, but I don’t think you can really appreciate how expensive they are until those unexpected expenses come in! Nappies! Clothes! That school trip that you completely forgot needed to be paid for TODAY! And sometimes it’s those unexpected expenses that you need a bit of a helping hand with. If you are decide to go down the route of looking for a loan, make sure it’s through a reputable company like CashLady.com; they’re clear and upfront about everything, which is refreshing to see. You need to know what you’re getting into, and have all the facts. CashLady makes it simple.
Finally, of course, it’s the love. Nothing prepares you for the love you feel for your child. It’s like nothing else. And – when they’re not making a mess/having a tantrum/eating – they really are fascinating. And hilarious!
What were your expectations before having kids??