
As we continue on this weaning journey, I think we’ve hit a bit of a plateau! I’m getting a bit bored of the same old same old. I thought it would be helpful to list some food options here for anyone who might be interested and if anyone has any ideas of how I can bring some variety into the diet of my 9 month old!
Weaning certainly is a lot of fun, with no two days ever the same… Baby B used to gobble down yogurt and now he’s started to turn his nose up at it!
Toast (jam, peanut butter, marmite)
Yogurt & fruit puree (mash banana, or puree pouch)
Sandwich (peanut butter, cream cheese)
Scrambled Egg & toast
Baby pasta, tomato sauce, sprinkling of cheese
Cous Cous with veg
Biscotti biscuits, fruit puffs, breadsticks, dried apricots
I’m still mostly spoon feeding, but now Baby B is starting to show an interest in grabbing the spoon and feeding himself, I might just take the full on leap into Baby Led Weaning and let him do it all himself. Eeek!
I’m looking for quick and simple recipe ideas for Baby B too, so please feel free to add your suggestions in the comment section below!