New Ways To Display Your Kid’s Endless Stream Of Art

One thing that makes a home feel like home as soon as you step in from the cold and in through the front door is well-decorated walls. It’s walking around your house and being flanked by art – bright and vibrant art. There is just something so warm about it, especially compared to empty and bare walls. The problem is, art can be expensive, never mind art that means something to you.
So, just imagine how incredible it would be if you had access to all the bright, unique and original pieces you could get your hands on. Well, as a parent, you do; they’re called your children. It’s just that, up to now, you’ve only put their amazing creations on your fridge.
Well, from this day forward, we’re going to help you display all those pictures and paintings and drawing your kids do at home and school. Your home is going to look fantastic.
- Frame & Store
It’s only a guess, but your kid probably has an ability to produce more pieces of art that you thought humanly possible, which is where a kids art frames come in handy. Not only will they get the professional treatment of being displayed in a frame, you can display more than one at a time.
- Thrifty Frames
For most art, you want to get a frame that does the piece justice, a frame that fits as snug as a bug in a rug because that’s what will make it pop. But with your kid’s art, all you need to do is paint a bunch of frames you picked up in a thrift store, remove the glass and the back and embrace the rustic and rushed look, which will complement the style of your toddler’s drawing. It’s called a housework hack.
- Wonderful Wall Wire
Who says you need frames at all. We certainly don’t think you do. In fact, one of our favourite looks is seeing kids art hung from Ikea curtain rods with colourful pegs, especially if the kitchen lights have been turned to spotlight them. Of course, you don’t even have to go to Ikea. you could just put a couple of screws into the wall, tie some wire around them and then clip the art to this. Simple and sublime.
- Fridge With A Twist
At first, it might be nice to have your fridge back. But, let a couple of weeks go by and you’ll probably miss your kid’s art adorning the front. But instead of just popping it back on their with a magnet, make your own magnetic picture frames and give this whole means of displaying art an amazing makeover.
- Coffee Table Print
Stepping away from the whole notion that you have to hang your kid’s art in order to enjoy it, another gorgeous way you can enjoy your kid’s creations – and forever – is to have them made into a coffee table book. Trust us, this little collection of bright colours and mad shapes will become one of the most prized possessions in your home. You could even get two printed and pop one in the loo.