And then he kissed me!

Exciting news from our household! Today is the first time EVER that my little boy Freddie has given me a kiss. A proper kiss, on the lips.
Now, this might not sound like a big deal, but it’s HUGE for me. I think of myself as a cuddly, warm mummy, but Freddie has never really been particularly affectionate towards me (or anyone, really). He’ll come to me when he’s tired, or poorly, or has hurt himself; that goes without saying. But free-choice cuddles and kisses have been non-existent. And it’s not for want of trying! I was actually getting quite worried; was it something I was doing wrong? He has always been independent, but surely that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want kisses from his parents? Me and G are always affectionate in front of him.
So today, I asked him. “Kiss for Mummy?” I asked, hopefully. And he turned to me, and kissed me on the lips. Along with a closed mouth “mmm” noise. I was so surprised! And delighted, of course. I didn’t realise how much I really wanted affection from him until that moment.
So it feels like now we have really turned a corner. Hopefully this means more cuddles!
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